Why Your Friends Are Not Your Target Market

Sometimes its discouraging when your friends don't support your business ventures and I've certainly been there but read my blog on why that's not a bad thing and what I've personally learned through going through the same process as I release my first theatre production "Ex-periences" coming Sunday 14th August in the Lost Theatre 

Turning My Exes Into Ex-periences

This has been a long time coming but yesterday I finally sat down with the cast to read my script "Ex-periences" at the Cockpit Theatre and it was better than money ,alcohol and penis all put together! 

Read how I turned my exes into Experiences, staying focused with #NoDICKstractions, many late nights at my Mac, alcohol, and prayers but it has all fallen into place and I am so blessed! 


When I Loved A Man Who Didn't Love Themselves

Falling in love with someone who is depressed was one of the hardest, realest but most valuable relationships I have ever been in...

Read what I've learned, the mistakes I made and the ups and down I experienced but this blog is not about me it's about us all supporting each other and everyone to realise the importance of mental health.